Curators Helene Lacelle & Peter Evanchuck of GOOPMAILART WANT HAPPY FUN MAIL ART. " We never leave the house without a piece of mail art with us, the world is a beautiful background for beautiful art ". SEND YOUR 'HAPPY' MAIL ART to : Goop Gallery, 19 Hurdman Rd. Ottawa Ontario, Canada, K1N 8N7
GOOP GALLERY is at STARBUCKS on Bank st. near Sunnyside in Ottawa until the end of March. Come on over and pick-up your FREE list of worldwide MAIL ART artists' addresses.
HELENE LACELLE aka NEON MATTISSE invites all to her new art opening at the GREEN DOOR, 198 Main Street from 07Jan. to 06Feb. Also LACELLE will host/show a community MAIL ART exhibit with information how all artists can participate in this modern international 'art movement.
HELENE LACELLE is not only a recognized artist but also an actor/co-producer of several feature films and host/originator of the ONE&ONLY art FAIR which held it's 3rd annual fair last November at the Sandy Hill Comm. Centre. As well, she has illustrated several books and is the co-creator of the on-line publishing 'empire'